The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Agricultural Mechanics Committee solicits money and prizes from the community for both the Agricultural Mechanics Project Show and the Texas FFA Tractor Technician Contest. Monetary donations and net proceeds from our fundraiser are used to purchase various award items such as welding machines, tool boxes, tools of all types, safety equipment, and other items that will assist the students as well as the winning schools’ programs. These students are putting practical, vocational skills to work in their individual communities.
Agricultural Mechanics Project Show
The Agricultural Mechanics Project Show debuted at the 1980 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo as an alternative to raising animals for Texas 4-H and FFA members. The Agricultural Mechanics Project Show is a display of items used on a farm or ranch that are constructed by 4-H and FFA members and entered for competition. These projects include hay hauling, hydraulic, and electrical equipment; trailers; squeeze chutes; and shop tools. The Agricultural Mechanics Project Show has grown to more than 1,000 participants and 600 projects that are exhibited in more than 100,000 square feet of space in NRG Center. The show has four divisions for project entries: Agricultural Equipment; Bumper Pull Trailer; Livestock Equipment; and Gooseneck and Fifth Wheel Trailer. Each project is judged on workmanship; design and material used; practicality; degree of difficulty; general appearance and finish; and documentation and presentation.
Texas FFA Tractor Technician Contest
The Tractor Technician Contest brings the top three teams from each of the 10 Agricultural Science and Technology Areas in the state of Texas. The teams of three all compete in a written exam as well as a component appraisal section. The 10 teams with the highest scores in these two areas advance to the de-bugging portion of the competition, which places identical tractors bugged with five problems in the arena for diagnosis and repair. Each team receives a service work order describing how the tractor has been performing and must service the tractor under a strict time limit. Points are awarded to each of the teams that fix the problems and drive the tractor around the arena. The team with the most combined points from the written exam, components appraisal and de-bugging competition wins the contest.
Career Fair
The Career Fair is hosted by the Agricultural Mechanics Committee and the Industrial Craft Committee for graduating high school seniors to visit with companies such as yours. Our students are self-motivated with exceptional work habits, and we believe they have the potential to become extraordinary employees for your company.
Is Your Company a Good Fit for the Career Fair?
This year the Career Fair will open Saturday, March 15, 2025, at 9 a.m. and will last until 5 p.m., with about an hour lunch break. Then, on Sunday morning at 8 a.m., you will have the opportunity to visit with the students while inspecting their projects and to observe the prize awards. This will provide you a better opportunity to further judge their potential with your company.
If you would like to participate in the 2025 Career Fair, please email A donation is not required, but appreciated, to participate in the Career Fair. The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is a Section 501 (c) (3) charitable organization. The amount of the contribution that may be deductible for federal income tax purposes is the excess value contributed by the donor over the value of goods or services received. Consult your tax professional for more information/eligibility.